Back on Track!
I know I’ve been a little radio silent lately apart from announcing books coming out. For those of you who’ve followed me for a while, you know that in addition to putting out 4-5 books per year, I also work 40 hours a week at a full time job. I try not to talk about my job here (this is a happy place), otherwise this blog would be peppered with a lot of negativity. Suffice to say, it’s been kicking my ass more than usual lately. I knew this was coming, so I scheduled myself a break between books for the month of September. Even though I’m chomping at the bit to get the next Mercy book started, I can’t manage cramming anything extra in right now between work, family and the renovations we’re doing at home (don’t get me started on the condition of my bathroom right now). The good news is, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I haven’t started writing, but I’ve got the content for Child of Mercy pretty well outlined, so I can hit the ground running when I do start it. Even more importantly, I’m starting to see a point in the future when I can chuck this job and retire to write full time. This is both scary and exciting to contemplate, and hopefully the dream becomes a reality before I implode from stress.
You might have also noticed I’ve stopped posting about my resolutions lately. I’d given up a new thing each month and started exercising 5 days a week. Things chugged along pretty well for half the year and then in June I ran into a brick wall. After a little family tragedy, I pretty much jumped off the wagon and didn’t look back until well into July. Looking back at the first half of the year, the things I gave up and added exercise looked good on paper, but hadn’t translated into any real weight loss for me. I did feel more active from the exercise, but there were clearly more things I needed to be doing than giving up just one thing per month. So, I declared a reboot in August and now I’m back on track. Instead of giving up single things, I’ve gone back to the old proven method of tracking my intake and exercising more. So far it’s working better, I’ve lost about 11 pounds and my energy is much better.
BTW, do you guys like the “between the scenes” interviews I used to post? I didn’t get much feedback, so I stopped doing them. But I recently had a good comment requesting more, so I thought I’d put it out there. Are you interested in seeing “interviews” with characters from some of the books? Or is that only mildly interesting and my time might be better spent elsewhere?
What about some “deleted scenes” from Mercy for the Damned? Would you be at all interested in reading a couple of scenes that didn’t make the final cut?
Your writings are quite fantastic, whether they be here on your site or your entrancing stories. I’ve read the books you have out so far, I think I’ve caught them all, and will sign up for your newsletter. Please keep them coming! Many thanks!
Thanks Sally!
As many books as I read and write reviews I am lucky if I can keep up with the books I am supposed to read (I have 3 of your already on my TBR list) and hope I don’t have to wait until I am old and grey to get the next Forged book
Maybe I will start the Mercy series but then again I feel like I will be left in the same lurch, looking for the next book. I have Moonsong sitting on my Kindle, maybe that would be a better choice, but with Jane Yellowrock and DragonKin latest sitting here I gotta get busy LOL. Speaking of getting busy …………..
Thanks Douglas!
I just finished reading the third Mercy book. I bought the first from Amazon last night and promptly went and bought the next two. What I’m saying is that I would LOVE reading “deleted scenes”. And anything else you’ve got going in that series.
Thanks Darkrose! I’ll be sure to pop one up soon.
Yes, please post the extra scenes from the Mercy books! I cannot wait for Child of Mercy and would love to read them!
Good luck with your work! I hope (both selfishly and for your sake) that things calm down soon and you find some time to write.
Thanks Heather! Work is still tough, but I’m slogging through the writing as best I can.
My views on your books are well publicised (at least to you anyway!), so I guess you know what my answer will be to ‘interviews’ with characters or ‘deleted scenes’ being put out here for us to read!
I’m glad that you are finally getting to a position in which you can follow your long held dream, as I know its been a long time coming for you.
Child of Mercy will be a wonderful book I’m sure – and any excuse to go back and re-read the first three is a given benefit.
Go get ‘em Lisa and God Bless to your family!
Thanks Anne! Okey dokey, I’ll try my hardest to find the time to get at least one of those deleted scenes put up this weekend.