We Have A Winner!
Thanks to everyone who voted on cover art for Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down, it came in at 14 for the one on the left, and 9 for the one on the right, counting votes offsite. I kind of agree, the one on the left looks more suited to Paranormal Romance even though the one on the right is probably cleaner when shrunk down. So, I’ll be using the one on the left, and hopefully it’ll be up and available for sale in the next few days. Tracy was our winner for a free copy of a book and she chose The Touch. Congratulations Tracy, I’ll send it out tonight.
I’ll take a break for a couple of weeks for the holidays before I get into serious plotting for The Fallen sequel, Mercy for the Damned, due out next spring. In the meantime, I’ve started a couple of fanfictions. One for the movie Push called Someone to Watch Over Me. If you’ve never seen the movie before, I recommend it, it’s set in a world where people have psychic abilities and a government agency is chasing after them. Chris Evans is fantastic in it, and he helped inspire my main guy Bishop in Wake Me.
I’m also working on another Vampire Diaries one where Damon lives next door to Elena while she’s in college on the west coast. It’s completely AU and nobody knows that vampires exist, should be fun.
Can’t wait for this to come out!
) Love the cover you decided to go with.
I know I’ve asked this before. Do you sleep?
LOL, not as much as I used to!