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The Touch is here!

The Touch - Lisa Olsen

The Touch is now available as an ebook on Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com!  It’ll be out in print in a couple of weeks

I just got my final proof copy for Angel of Mercy so it should be available for purchase in print in the next couple of days.

And now to decide if I want to spend my time on marketing for both books or working on the sequel to my The Fallen series, Mercy for the Wicked?

I’ve also been toying with the idea of writing a little bit of serial fiction to post here on the site.  Sort of like the chapter updates I do for fanfiction.net but probably with original characters.  Maybe some small spoilers for Mercy for the Wicked, I haven’t decided yet.

One Response to The Touch is here!

  1. Randi says:

    This was a great book, I couldn’t put it down. It had a great blend of supernatural, mystery and romance. I loved the ghosts, they were creepy, but not over the top creepy, and the ending was a twist I didn’t expect, but it couldn’t have been better.
    I highly recommend this book, it’s a great read. :o )

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