Highslide for Wordpress Plugin

And the winner is…

Laveda Kasch!

Thanks to everyone who entered, I loved reading your conmments! Laveda, I’ll be sending you a questionnaire via email to talk more about your character in Hear Me When the Sun Goes Down. I’m hard at work on the outline, working out all the ins and outs. Probably start writing it in the next week or so.

7 Responses to And the winner is…

  1. Laveda Kasch says:

    Holy shit balls! No way! I feel asleep stalking all your pages…I can’t believe this I’m so freaking excited I just woke everyone in my house…holy crap! OMG OMG OMG! Thank you! Can’t wait to do this thang! Lol

  2. Seleana says:


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