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Cover reveal for Mercy for the Fallen

Mercy for the Fallen

We went back and forth on this one, trying to decide if we should try a sexy guy on the cover or not. In the end, we decided to go with the same model who’s on the Angel of Mercy cover instead since the story centers around Mercy more than any of the men in her life. What do you think?

Editing is going very well. I’m going to tentatively guess we’re looking at around November 9th for when this one is ready to go.

2 Responses to Cover reveal for Mercy for the Fallen

  1. Nancy says:

    I just finished Mercy for the Fallen and loved it! Thanks, Lisa, the wonderful adventure, intrigue and romance. It was a great addition to the other books and can’t wait to read more!

    I am also impatiently waitng for Hear Me When the Sun goes Down! I love that series also. Keep writing!


    • Lisa Olsen says:

      Thanks, Nancy! I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it. :) I’d love a review on Amazon if you’ve got the time. They’re so important for an Indie like me. I’m working hard on Hear Me, it won’t be too much longer!

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