New Year, New Logo, New Resolutions
So I’ve had this thing for a while, sort of an inside joke about me having a robot brain at work, and my husband James came up with this logo. Isn’t it cute?
I don’t, as a rule, set New Year’s resolutions because they seem destined to fail. At the same time I am in favor of making some lifestyle changes this year and I was inspired by Mike Saxton’s success at sticking to his resolutions from last year. So, being a planner and a maker of lists, I made a new list this year of resolutions I’d like to make, so that by the end of the year, I’ve affected real change. Instead of doing them all at once, because I know I don’t have the willpower to stick to that much change, I’ll pick a new one once a month and keep adding to it cumulatively.
Then some of them are just general resolutions I’d like to incorporate into my life. Like do something I want to do each day. So many times we do things we have to do, I want to take the time to do something I want to do every day, even if it’s a small thing. I’m hoping that helps me de-stress a little from the deadlines I put on myself coupled with my stressful job. Deadlines like… I’d like to publish 4 more books in 2012.
My resolution for the month of January? Exercise 5 days a week. I’ve been doing a fairly good job of this for the past few weeks, but it’ll be good to formalize it into a solid goal.
What about you guys? What are your resolutions for the New Year?
Lisa, you can do whatever you put your mind to. Your dedication to your writing shows you have the ability to set your mind to something and do it so I have full confidence in you.
Thanks Mike! So far so good this month.
Yup. Whatever we put our minds to…gets done.
Thanks Shelly, I’m trying to hang onto that positive attitude.
I know that you can do anything you set your mind to, that’s how awesome you are
My new years resolution is a lot like yours…my mom and my sister and I are going to start exercising and eating better, and making sure that each of us keep it up, sort of a support group right here at home
Good luck with your goals for the new year.
Very cool Randi, maybe we can keep each other motivated?