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SeptNoWriMo Begins!

Starting with more of a whimper than a bang unfortunately.  Work was crazy busy today, so instead of getting at least a few hundred words in there and being able to review the stuff I wrote before work, I didn’t touch it till around 7pm tonight after dinner.  Still I managed to eke out 4011 words, still above my 3k word quota for the day so I can’t complain too much. 

So far I’m not in love with how it’s going, but then again the beginnings are always the most difficult for me.  Usually things start to flow a bit better once I start to get a feel for my characters and the plot.  Hopefully tomorrow will go better and even if I can’t get to any of it from work I’ll be less stressed when I do get home.  And then there’s always the three day weekend coming up, should be a good chance to get a big chunk of writing done. 

Off now to re-read the next chapter of fanfic before I post it tomorrow, and check for any errors.

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