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She’s Alive!

Hey guys, sorry I’ve been radio silent for a while. I’m hip deep into writing The Company of Shadows — have just passed the 52K mark — and it’s been a challenge to hit my writing quota every day with everything going on. We’re in the final stages of getting our house ready to go on the market, and there always seems to be one more chore to add to the list. Robot brain or no, it’s hard to find the time to get those words in when your arms are sore from painting all day!

But hopefully by the time we actually get the sucker listed I’ll be done or almost done with the first draft, and I won’t feel as much pressure to crank the words out when I’ve got to keep the house in pristine shape or be ready to bail out at the drop of a hat to show it. It’s a scary prospect to move, not knowing if we’ll be able to find a new house as awesome as this one, but at the same time, we’ve lived here for about 8 years now, and I’m looking forward to moving back to Washington.

I’ve had a lot of opportunities to give interviews lately, which is an odd experience for me. I always find it awkward to talk about my books, I always feel like I can never do them justice and my brief synopsis comes out disjointed and doesn’t make much sense. The idea of being interviewed for a radio podcast scared the bejeezus out of me, but Tidal was so kind and courteous, that I loosened right up once we got going. Here’s a link to the interview where you can hear me ramble on about my books and my writing process.

If the player doesn’t appear, here is a link to the interview: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/tidalmiller/2013/03/21/pagan-propensities-guest-lisa-olsen-1

BTW, thanks to everyone who picked up a copy of Find Me When the Sun Goes Down this month. It sat in the top twenty of Hot New Releases in Horror on Amazon for the entire debut month, peaking at #6! That’s my strongest launch so far, and I can’t wait to get back to the series for Miss Me in a couple of months.

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