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Category Archives: Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down

The Things You Say is live!


Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CZJD4V93
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CZJD4V93
Non-Amazon Links: https://books2read.com/u/3L8roe

Everyone deserves a chance at happily ever after, don’t they? Even a proper villain and a damaged little dove.

I’ve always known the happy ending bit wasn’t for me. A proper villain, I’ve done things that don’t deserve that patch of happiness. Something needs doing, I do it. Don’t care much what it is, long as it keeps me in tea and trousers. So, when I got the offer to go up north for a spell, I didn’t think twice about working for another vamp, it was time to move on. Only the last thing I expected to find in the house of the Jarl of the Pacific Northwest was her.

She moved like a delicate flower in the breeze, in pink dance togs that clung to her like a second skin from neck to knees, a gauzy skirt flowing against her as she danced. Sable hair spilled down her back, floating every which way when she spun, like it had a life of its own.

What in the name of all fuckery was she doing here?

Seven years. Seven years since I’d last laid eyes on Rob, and there he was.
Same old Robby. The same whiff of bay rum aftershave and his own distinct scent I’d all but forgotten. The lilt of his rough accent reminded me of home and set off a different kind of longing. God strike me, he looked just as tempting as always.

This wouldn’t do at all. I couldn’t let him ruin everything.

Seven long years since I found Heaven and Hell in a single day. But I had to shut that all away in the past again and keep playing the role of Peyton’s sweet little dove. I had to keep focused or it would all be for nothing.

This story continues with the situation that I set up at the end of Know Me When the Sun Goes Down. If you haven’t read that one (or all of the previous Forged Bloodlines series), please stop and go back and read those first as well as Fated Love in this Fated Bloodlines series. Otherwise, this book won’t make as much sense or the stakes won’t be nearly as high.

Up next I’m working on continuing with the sequel to The Fallen series, Secrets of the Fallen, picking up with Mercy’s daughter Eve.

Know Me When the Sun Goes Down is here!

KnowMe - promo

Know Me When the Sun Goes Down is here! The print book is still being formatted, but here are the links for the ebooks:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2rxiOJv
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2tmHlm6
iTunes: http://apple.co/2sRKU6K
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/2sU1EJT

I can’t tell you what happens in this book.
All can say is, pour yourself a shot of aquavit, grab a box of tissues, and hang on.
It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
And nothing will ever be the same again.

*This is book 12 in the Forged Bloodlines series, and the others should be read first to enjoy this story. Start the series for free with Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1BDjOiP
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/1HdpWdu
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/1d8lllf
iTunes: http://apple.co/1FtEqou

Next up… I actually have no idea what I’ll be working on next. Sound off in the comments with which series or book you’d like to see next!

Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down is on Episode!


Wake Me when the Sun Goes Down has come to Episode! Well, the first three chapters, at least. Want to see more? This is where you come in. The more people who read through all three chapters on the app, the more chance that they’ll put in an order for the rest of the book.

What is Episode? It’s all about interactive storytelling, in a fun, animated format. What does that mean for you? This is basically like reading an animated comic book on your phone (any Android/iOS device) for free when you download their app. You get to make choices about who you talk to, how you interact, even what you’re wearing! This means fans of the Forged Bloodlines series can take things to the next level and interact with the story in a new, fun way.

Here’s the link to get the apps (or you can find them on your phone): http://pocketgems.com/episode-interactive/
My story is listed under the “Fantasy” category and then under the “pilots” section.

In addition to my story, there are dozens of other animated stories there and if you can even try the writer’s portal if you’re interested in trying your hand at animating your own story for fun.

Stay on target…

I feel like I’m in the home stretch for getting Kiss Me When the Sun Goes Down to you guys, and I hope to have it out in the next couple of weeks. I’ll have the cover reveal here shortly as well as some teasers too.

After that, I’ll be taking a break from writing for a few weeks to attend to some business stuff I’ve been putting off for far too long. We’ll be redoing a couple of the covers and changing up some of the blurbs. I’ll also be reworking Moonsong, tightening up the beginning, and putting back in some of the racier bits I initially cut out in preparation for working on the sequel – Scarlett’s story.

The rest of the chapters (14-24) for Always Talk to Strangers on Episode for Android devices has finally been released too, so head over to check those out if you’ve been following along the story. I’m also working on adapting Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down for Episode, and that should be released any time now.

Tall, Dark and Supernatural is here!


It’s available, just in time for your holiday weekend reading!

I’m so thrilled to be a part of this boxed set with seven of the most exciting names in Paranormal Romance! We’re talking seven full length novels from NYT, USA Today, and Amazon Bestselling Authors for $.99! Such a great way to introduce yourself to some top notch writers and their series.

The boxed set is available now at:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Tall-Dark-Supernatural-Deliciously-Paranormal-ebook/dp/B00LBBM4N8
SW: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/452037
Kobo: http://store.kobobooks.com/en-CA/ebook/tall-dark-and-supernatural
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tall-dark-and-supernatural-lisa-olsen/1119878780
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id893702648

I should stress that this is a limited release only, and I’m not sure how long the $.99 sale will last for (regularly priced at $9.99), so snap it up while you can!

The books included are:
Belinda Boring, Broken Promises (Book One in the Brianna Lane series)
Kym Grosso, Luca’s Magic Embrace (Immortals of New Orleans, Book Two).
Elizabeth Hunter, A Hidden Fire (Elemental Mysteries, Book One)
S. E. Lund, Dominion (Book One of The Dominion Series)
Lisa Olsen, Wake Me When the Sun Goes Down (Forged Bloodlines, Book One)
Gina Whitney, Blood Ties
Michelle A. Valentine, Demon at my Door

We’ve also got a fantastic event planned for today on Facebook, where we’ll be available to chat and play some fun games and giveaways to celebrate the release of the boxed set. It’s from 5pm to 10pm EST today, July 3rd, and I’ll have the first shift at 5pm. I hope to see you there!


Forged Bloodlines boxed set on sale for $.99 for a limited time!


Have I mentioned that I have a monster sale going on for books 1-3 of the Forged Bloodlines series? Yep, 3 full sized books for $.99! What? That’s crazy, right? So what are you waiting for? One click it today! Tell a friend! Better yet, buy it for a friend, it’s only a dollar and you look awesome for giving them three books!

You can pick it up here at Amazon for a limited time.
